Minimum System Requirement
Linux: 500Mhz CPU with a good video card, 1GHz without, 128MB RAM.
There are 2 ways to install Miro on your ubuntu
First way to install Miro
To install it on your ubuntu, just go to terminal and type
this will open up sources list where you need to add this line at the end
for hardy users
deb hardy/
for Gusty users
deb gutsy/
now just save and exit this file
after this we need to update sources list using following command
till here our half work is done :)
now to install Miro use following command in terminal
To Access Miro goto
Applications—>Sound & video—>Miro Internet TV
Second way to install Miro
To install Miro by this way on Ubuntu, you need to add Miro repository. This is pretty easy and you only need to do it once.
Open synaptic package manager (System>>Administration>>Synaptic Package Manager)
Open the repositories window (In synaptic package manager>>Settings>>repositories)
Click on Third Party Tab then press add button
Now add APT Line (repositories)
For Hardy
deb hardy/
For Gusty
deb gutsy/
For Fiesty
deb feisty/
For Dapper
deb dapper/
Now click Add Source button
Once its added just press the reload button on the left hand top corner of synaptic package manager window
Search for Miro in synaptic package manager and mark for install
Press Apply button now and its installed :)
To Access Miro goto
Applications—>Sound & video—>Miro Internet TV