Broadband Speed checker

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Installing Google Chrome On Ubuntu

This is the Most simple way to install Google Chromium (chrome) on ubunutu, i installed it on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy HeronChromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. The Chromium codebase is the basis for Google’s Chrome browser.First you need to download .deb package from here using the following command

Now you have cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb package install this package using the following command

sudo dpkg -i cxchromium_0.9.0-1_i386.deb

This will complete the installationafter installation you may get an error sayingcxbottle:warning: The current character encoding (UTF-8) may not be compatible with the encoding of the bottle (ISO-8859-1). This may cause applications to not find their files and thus lead to malfunctions. Just ignore it and enjoy Google Chrome

(To Launch Chrome goto: Main Menu>>CrossOver Chromium>>Chromium)

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